Monday, November 9, 2009

Portland gamers, looking for a job? Come to Ground Kontrol!

Via an informal invitation sent to the Portland Mercury on Monday, has announced an event they will be holding at Grount Kontrol, a class arcade game venue in NW Portland.
This Wednesday, November 11th from 6-9pm, IA  will be hosting an RSVP-only event at Ground Kontrol for any and all interested gamers who are looking for work. It's not only a good opportunity for talented individuals to find a job in an industry they enjoy, but you'll also connect with your fellow gamers with the help of the free refreshments and open bar. is a game company that specializes in web-based games ranging from action to puzzler to FPS. Sign-up is completely free and you have the opportunity to play alongside other IA members or unregistered guests in real-time as well as engage in discussions in the forum.
Any inquiries should be sent to Ian at iant @ for RSVP information and details.

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